Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Living the Juicy Life

Life is juicy! Bite into it and let it dribble down your chin. Yes, life and dribble can get sticky sometimes, but a little stick never hurt anyone.

When one looks at me, they'd probably never guess in a million years what makes me tick. I smile, I'm nice...but there's a bull dog inside of me. That's what my husband says at least. He's quiet, doesn't rock the boat...but when he needs to or wants to, he knows he can unleash his little bulldog on the world. But few people know that side of me.

I am a creative person and I make an attempt to lead a creative life. I'm a paper crafter, card artist, a pretty decent cook, an aspiring cake decorator, a gardener, and all around colorful person.

So, join me, the Creative Cannibal, as I write about the juiciness of living creatively.