Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Creative Reading

I've been absent from the blog for several days to enjoy a lovely visit from my oldest friend. Melanie drove in from Pennsylvania and we enjoyed a wonderful weekend together with lots of shopping, visiting, and some lovely wines she brought with her.

Getting treats in the mail, whether they be from your favorite stamp company or from, is always a reason to celebrate! The blogging has inspired me to gather my resources and prepare myself to start infusing more creativity into my writing. One of my little treats is a book by Tara Frey called Blogging for Bliss. This book is filled with wonderful resources for templates, photography tips, design elements...all sorts of things to help you make your blog beautiful.

Those of you who like to journal old school, I picked up two great books on adding visual elements to your journalling and breaking free of habit and structure in journalling. How to Make a Journal of Your Life by D. Price is a great resource for just getting started, and adding visual elements to your writing. Then there's Wreck this Journal by Keri Smith, which is a terrific tool for breaking free from restraints. It's an actual journal you can do all sorts of things in, including chewing up, thrashing, writing backwards, and gluing random items to the pages!

Even for those of us who are card makers, rubber stampers, or scrap bookers, these books can be very useful in fostering creativeness even if it's in ways we don't normally express ourselves from.

In other creative news, I was elated to be assigned to my very first patient in the Chemo Angels program. Chemo Angels is a program you can use your creative talents for bringing some joy into the life of someone who is undergoing IV chemo treatment or radiation. It's a serious commitment, but I'm really excited about getting started. I sent off my first card and letter in this afternoon's mail. If you are interested in the program, please go to for more information.

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